Best Locations for Fake GPS in Mobile Legends

by Aaron Roussey Updated On Oct 26, 2023 Published On Jul 19, 2022 Tips

Mobile Legends or ML is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) where teams pick heroes in a five-versus-five setup.

Each time a player picks their main heroes, they get a chance to be among the top players of that hero based on a weekly leaderboard.

However, you'll have a harder time ranking up in a competitive player location than in an area with low-ranking players.

In this guide, we'll show you the best locations you can virtually teleport to for a fake GPS.

We'll also feature an iOS and Android location spoofer that you can use when you're playing Mobile Legends.

Read this guide to know more.

Best Locations for Fake GPS in Mobile Legends

Aside from your home country, here are some locations that you can try with a fake GPS software tool.

Remember to use a VPN first to lessen the chances of getting your account banned on ML. Please proceed with caution.

  1. Bucharest, Romania
  2. Cairo, Egypt
  3. Johannesburg, South Africa
  4. Moscow, Russia
  5. Hanoi, Vietnam

Once you manage to get into one of these locations, start grinding your main heroes and you'll be in the top spot on the local ranking in fewer matches compared to playing in a competitive environment.

It is also advisable to test this method on your small accounts first and use your main account once you're more confident.

Best Locations With the Lowest MMR in Mobile Legends

A Matchmaking Rating or MMR is a metric in Mobile Legends that measures a player's skill on a certain hero.

MMR changes in each match—a win increases your MMR, and a loss decreases it. Usually, a player that tops on a local ranking and global ranking has the highest MMR.

Here are some countries with low MMR in ML that you can try with a fake GPS:

  1. Mexico
  2. Peru
  3. Egypt
  4. Bulgaria
  5. Kazakhstan
  6. Vietnam
  7. Finland
  8. Belarus
  9. Netherlands
  10. Ukraine
  11. China
  12. Qatar
  13. Denmark
  14. Kuwait
  15. Germany
  16. Kuwait
  17. Turkey
  18. Poland
  19. Romania
  20. Bolivia
  21. Greece
  22. Iran
  23. Iraq
  24. Venezuela
  25. South Africa

These countries can help you rise to the top of the hero leaderboards of your main heroes in just a few matches.

This is especially useful when your location has a high volume of ML players and you want to rise on the hero ranks quickly.

Fake GPS for Mobile Legends on iOS Device

One third-party app for iOS that can help you spoof your account's location is MockGo.

It's a fake GPS software tool that allows you to change your current location to anywhere in the world. Besides that, here are some of its key features:

  1. Can change your phone's location with one click
  2. Compatible with the latest iOS version (iOS15)
  3. App is easy-to-use with straightforward installation
  4. Compatible with non-jailbroken iPhones
  5. Works best with location-based apps or games

To use MockGo to fake GPS in ML, follow the steps below:

Step 1. Download and install MockGo on your computer.

Step 2. Connect your iPhone to the computer via USB.

connect your iOS device to the computer

Step 3. Then, launch the app and click Teleport.

choose teleport mode

Step 4. Use the Search bar to find your desired location and click Go.

 search for a location

Step 5. Once you've adjusted the location pin, click Move Here. Your phone's current location will now be spoofed to the pinned location.

click Move Here to teleport the GPS

location teleported

To use the app's full features, you'll first need to buy its license. For payment plans, click this link.

Fake GPS for Mobile Legends on Android Device

Android also has a third-party app that can fake your GPS location called the Fake GPS Location App by Lexa.

It's a free app that's easy to use and can change your phone's location with a few taps.

The app also keeps track of your location history so it will be easy for you to go back to a specific location any time you need to.

To use the Fake GPS Location app for Android to change your location in ML, follow these steps:

  1. Download and install the Fake GPS Location App on your Android through the Google Play Store.
  2. Launch the app and tap the Search icon.
  3. Then, enter the location where you want to be spoofed and tap the Search icon on the keyboard to confirm.
  4. Lastly, tap the Play button to move to the pinned location. Your phone's location will now be spoofed to the pinned location.

Similar to the Fake GPS app for iOS, we recommend using this with small accounts first as you'll have less chances of getting banned, especially if you're going to use it without a VPN.

However, this app is totally free and worth trying to increase your position on the hero leaderboards on little games played.

Final Thoughts

Rising in the hero ranks in Mobile Legends can sometimes be competitive, especially when playing on a server with too many players.

One option that you can explore is to use a location spoofer to boost your ranking on the hero leaderboards with your main heroes.

We hope this guide was able to give you an idea about the best locations to fake your GPS in Mobile Legends, and how to change your location using either an Android or iOS device.

Aaron Roussey
Meet Aaron, our tech-savvy team member who has probably touched more grass than all of us combined, simply because he can't afford to miss a Legendary raid in Pokémon GO. When he's not on the quest to 'catch 'em all,' you'll find him at his computer, covering everything you need to know about phones, games, computers, and all things tech!
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